Eng. Benjamin Michael Maziku - Year 2020
I was born on the 30th of September 1959 in Geita District, Mwanza Region out of the wed of the Late Michael Simon Mtunda Maziku and Anne Mbalu Makunza. I undertook my Primary education at Nyakahoja Primary School Mwanza from 1965-1974 and there after my Secondary education at Mwanza Secondary School from 1974-1978. My Advanced Secondary education were undertaken at Pugu High School from 1979-1981. National Service (JKT) from 1981-1982. I joined the Universty of Dar-er-Salaam in 1983 and completed in 1987 and awarded Bsc (Engineering) in Civil . From 1987 -1997 I was the District Engineer for Shinyanga District Council. From January 1998 to January 2006 i was the Municipal Engineer for Musoma Municipal Council. From February 2006 i was transfered to Dar-es Salaam City and and became the Municipal Engineer for Kinondoni Municipal Council. From August 2008 i was transfered to Ngorongoro District Council as the District Engineer. From October 2011 i was transfered to Kilosa District Council as the District Engineer for Works Department.From April 2014 to September 2016, i working at Temeke Municipal Council as a municipal Engineer. From October 2016 to June 2017, i worked for Ilala Municipal Council as the Municipal Engineer. Currently (from July 2017 to 30 September 2019) i worked with Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency ( TARURA) at HQ Dodoma as a Manager for Urban Roads Maintenance and official retired on the 30 September 20219. There after i was given a contract of two years and shifted to Morogoro Regiona as the Regional Coordinator of TARURA which ended on 30 September 2021. I am a Registered Proffessional Engineer in the Field of Civil Engineering. I got married in 1994 to Ms Janipher Mgendi. I like my proffesion and my family as well. In 2017, I resigned from being a Director of Zubben Company Limited, Civil and Buildings Contractors firm with headquaters in Sinyanga Region in year 2017.
The Ancestor List
Are we related? Is your great-grandfather, our mother's, cousin's, grandma's, and nephew know each other? Otherwise you might find yourself marring your own sister. There's only one way to find out . Look at this list of surnames:
Maziku, Maganga, Muhoja, Kanijo
Salanya, Mazwanja, Tarimo, Mwakasole
About the Family Roots
The Benjamin Maziku side of the family hails from Mwanza, Tanzania. In 1984 it moved to Kibaha Kwa Mfipa, Pwani Region, Tanzania. Father of Benjamin Hails from Itobo villilage, Nzega District Tanzania and his Mother hails from Usagara village, Mwanza Region.
CV of Eng. Benjamin Michael Maziku
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